06 Jan 2017
How and Why Platforms Will Become the Big Game Changer in 2017 for Businesses
Integrating systems and platforms isn't a new concept. Businesses and companies have been utilizing the benefits of integration for years. Some of that continued integration will be the reason behind Why platforms will become the big game changer in 2017 for businesses.
Phones, tablets and other mobile devices have become a major player in business technology today. What that means for technology companies is the need for platforms and systems that are more diverse, in other words - mobile friendly. Every platform that positions itself to be accessible, versatile and possesses the ability to integrate with existing systems will take the lead.
Apps are a good microcosm of what is about to happen. In recollection it is hard to imagine how this hasn't happened earlier. That may not be entirely true, however, as some technology companies have and continue to build custom software and create platforms to do just that: be mobile, accessible and that are designed to have integration capacities.
An accounting firm may be able to see real time sales numbers, or a member of the sales team in the field will be able to easily access real-time inventory data. These are the most basic and important aspects of integration, the ability to be used in real, beneficial and practical ways.
How platforms are able to interact, afford mobility and integrate as a whole will be the shift in technology that changes the game in 2017. It will dictate what hardware is produced, direct how software is created and has the potential to take companies to the next level. If you are looking at integration or improving your current system then contact us to find out how our team can benefit yours.