07 Feb 2016
3 Trending Application Development Tools & Tips
Application development tools are highly useful components that aid web-based designers and companies to create innovative, multi-faceted, security-hearty applications that will allow clients to extend further in many respects such as productivity and profitability.
4 Trending Application Development Tools & Tips
1) Play Framework
The pros of Play Framework include a user-friendly interface, minimalist requirements for use (just a browser and text editor), and built-in testing tools. While it is able to build apps it is was also created with mobile responsiveness as a key feature.
For more information, feel free to visit the following link, Play Framework.
2) Cross-Platform Application
A handy, and increasingly important, tool for web designers to have access to is cross-platform application development. By utilizing cross-platform applications, designers take a one-time software investment and expand it across multiple platforms. Other benefits include shorten time-to-market and increased productivity due to its versatility.
For more information, feel free to visit the following link, Pros and Cons of the Top 5 Cross-Platform Tools.
3) Rapid Application Development
Rapid Application Development process, a term used to indicate alternate processes then the waterfall model of software development, focuses on development and the reaction to gained knowledge. Software such as FileMaker Pro, a cross-platform, relational database originating from FileMaker, Inc., utilizes the RAD model as an advantageous tool to speed creation while retaining innovative creation.
What is the RAD Model: Advantages, Disadvantages, and When to Use It
For more information on application development tools, feel free to visit the below links:
3 Tools to Accelerate Web Application Development
The Best Open Source Application Tools
The Best Web Development Tools You Probably Aren''t Using
Folio1 a Melbourne-based company providing services addressing the entire digital ecosystem to find solutions in strategy, design, and technology. Specific services include website development, web design, application design, graphic design, customized online solutions, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, copywriting, and strategic marketing consulting.
For more information about folio1 or to speak with a representative directly, feel free to contact us.