16 Jun 2016
Why So Many Technology Leader Choose Agile Software Development
Until several years ago a scrum was merely a term unique to the sport of rugby where players would interlock arms and battle to gain possession by kicking the ball backwards. Now, however, the term is much more synonymous as a form of agile software development. Technology leaders worldwide have adopted the scrum as their project management style of choice. The following are three reasons why scrum maintains a steady upward trend in the world of information technology management.
Quick Problem Identification – Because scrum involves daily meetings to track progress small problems are identified so early in the process that they are usually solved before they become insurmountable. The key to an effective scrum is in its collaboration. Therefore, if the brainstorming teamwork is executed properly agile software development should experience almost no major problems. This is because the small problems are taken care of before they even get to this stage.
Continuous Feedback – How frustrating is it to see a product all the way through its cycle until the testing phase, only to find out that the technology is either outdated or not what the target audience really wants? Sure, you''ve done the previous research that theoretically should eliminate this possibility. The problem is, however, sometimes that research is either flawed for some reason or the market conditions have changed during the time it took to get to the testing phase. The sprints of an agile software development require testing at the end of each one, which virtually eliminates the possibility of having to start the product cycle all over. Rather than getting feedback in one lump sum at the end of the product cycle, you get highly valuable, continuous feedback with agile software development.
Embracing Change – Instead of resisting change with traditional project management, scrums embrace change and incorporate improvements and technical advancements throughout the process. You are much more likely to get a superior technological achievement that surpasses your client''s expectations by embracing change this way. "Resistance is futile!"
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