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What Is Business to Business Marketing?

Many startups make the mistake of marketing only to potential consumers. However, your company will eventually need to connect and partner with other companies in order to function and grow, and established companies are often reluctant to work with businesses that are new or relatively unknown. Business to business marketing is the process by which you make your company known to other companies that you would like to work with. It is important to understand that you are not merely selling or purchasing goods and services. You are selling your business. You have to be able to show them how purchasing from you or building a relationship with your business that includes discounted rates for purchases actually enhances their bottom line.

While most B2B marketing used to involve making phone calls, sending out flyers and arranging face to face meetings to discuss mutually beneficial arrangements, websites and social media have become the mainstays of marketing strategies. This is actually good for most businesses, as they have been able to effectively spread the news about what they have to offer quickly and to more people than ever before. It also reduces the cost of such tasks as launching new products if instead of buying multiple radio and television spots, you can announce your latest innovation via Facebook or Twitter. However, businesses that do not use these services will often miss out on opportunities as businesses are more likely to overlook a company without a strong online presence in favor of one that they can more easily discover and keep track of on social media.

If you need more information on how Folio1 can help you develop an effective business to business marketing strategy.

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