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The Importance of Technology to Australia's Future

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Up to 4.6 million jobs might be at risk if Australia does not prepare its workforce for the digital future, a discussion paper has warned. Titled Economy in Transition – Startups, innovation and a workforce for the future, it was released in late July by StartupAUS  and produced with global networking firm LinkedIn and Sydney start-ups Expert360 and CodeCamp. According to LinkedIn data, 16 of the 20 most in-demand skills in Australia are technology related, and there will be a growing demand for workers with a combination of entrepreneurial, STEM, creative, and social skills. Fortunately for Australia, forward thinking people are already preparing for the future.

“We’re looking to the students of today for industries of tomorrow and they are going to be in a workforce when they finish their studies in jobs that don't exist today.” - Chris Hewlett of Hewlett Packard Australia.

Science, technology, engineering, and math are subjects collectively known as STEM. Two internet giants are making sure some Australian students will be well grounded in STEM. HP and Intel have partnered to bring students in the Victoria area access to technologies that could empower future learning. They are hoping to encourage skills that will create future tech entrepreneurs.

 According to The Australian, "Research confirms the economic benefits women-led companies bring — significantly higher performance and ROI." 

Springboard Enterprise Australia is an incubator for Australian women in tech. Since their beginning in 2000:

  • 627 women-led companies have participated in Springboard’s accelerator programs.
  • Tens of thousands of new jobs are a direct result of the program.
  • The woman led companies are generating billions of dollars in annual revenues.

81% of Springboard companies are still in business, including 12 IPOs and some are the technology engines of publicly traded companies.

Thanks to companies like HP and Intel and tech incubators like Springboard, Australia will be ready for the future.

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