24 Oct 2016
Richmond, Virginia: The Silicon Valley of The South?
Richmond, Virginia has seen tremendous growth in recent years. Spurred by the expansion of its business and university districts, the city has recently become home to a wide variety of new and exciting startup companies. Here are some of the companies that are contributing to Richmond's hi-tech startup boom.
Vibeats is a new website that offers a visual guide to the food and restaurants of Richmond. Inspired by sites like Pinterest, it sees the value in offering an online food guide that emphasizes both the visuals and "vibe" of the restaurant. In addition, the company plans to use analytical data from the site to help chefs and owners understand what attracts customers to their restaurants, giving them the ability to better tailor the dining experience they offer to their customers.
Hourwise offers professionals all of the office support services they'd typically have to do themselves. Invoicing, lead generation, scheduling, and a wide variety of other business functions are offered by the service, and can be used to help their clients grow their businesses.
Painless 1099
Freelancing continues to grow to be a larger and larger part of the economy, so it makes sense more businesses would cater services to them. Painless 1099 offers an automated and groundbreaking tax service to freelancers to make sure they can file their taxes in the most efficient way possible through the use of an easy to use system.
Startups are growing in every area of the country, but they tend to spring up in hubs that offer everything the market and resources they need to be successful. Richmond has become that for Virginia, and possibly for the south as a whole, and should be considered a destination for southern entrepreneurs looking to change the world. For more news on startups, contact us today.