24 Feb 2017
Microsoft Insights: Solving the email search problem in Outlook
Microsoft just released an experimental app from Microsoft Garage known as Email Insights, and it allows you to search your Outlook (and Gmail) mail, but more importantly actually find what you need. As PCWorld points out, you've been able to search Outlook, but the results it returned weren't in a useful, relevant order which is time-consuming and frustrating.
Making email more productive in Microsoft Insights
Suresh Parthasarathy who is a senior research developer for Microsoft and part of the Garage Team that helped developed the app said that they wanted to be able to get email done faster. The team noticed that email search is nowhere near as efficient as a general search engine query and they set out to solve that problem.
Email Insights provides an auto-complete option, plus a fuzzy name search in case you can't quite recall the exact name or term for which you are searching. Microsoft wanted users to have the ability to quickly locate an email from Christy even though they forgot her name is spelled Kristy and so on. Much like a standard search engine would do.
Another convenient feature that should help users save time is the ability to use the search bar to compose a short email or schedule a meeting and so on. The developers felt that someone who is busy with other tasks like coding, for instance, would jump at the chance for the option of sending a one line email providing the least amount of disruption to their work as possible.
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