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How Does Artificial Intelligence Play a Role in Cyber Security?


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning De-mystified.

AI was a product of the big data revolution. It was developed during the creation of big data systems like the Google search engine and big Amazon databases that started to collect data in individual customer preferences to be used in individualised marketing. The development of AI had to do with the collection and organisation of huge amounts of data. AI and machine learning were tools developed to apply large databases. Modern AI programming includes an enormous number of these if-then conditional statements. The data consists of a vast flow of conditions from inputted data statements and data from sensors that are formatted to meet the conditions to make comparisons possible. As the computer systems grow more sophisticated and the capacity for the decision branches increases, the computer reads the data and makes appropriate decisions based on the presence or absence of particular conditions. 

Machine learning (ML) adds the capacity of the computer to create its own if-then statements based on a desired outcome. We say that deep learning advancements in machine learning allow machines to teach themselves how to build models for pattern recognition rather than requiring humans to build them. However, there are two sides of the process of applying AI and ML in cybersecurity. Data deception technology can automatically detect, analyse, and defend against advanced attacks by proactively detecting and misleading attackers when you combine the machine comparison and detection capacity with very smart security personnel. Human beings must contribute to the structure of conditional statements that enable the computer to make its decisions. 

The Important Functions Machines Can Fulfil.

A core function of cyber security software is the identification of consistent patterns in the data flow. Pattern recognition is one function that AI is good at. It is good at recognising if a pattern in the data is a member of an established group of data patterns. If it is familiar, the machine lets it pass, if not, the machine may sound an alarm. So AI allows people to automate the detection of what may be threatening data input. The full implementation of AI requires collaboration with appropriate security intelligence human personnel. AI is very good recognising the numerical signature of malware that fits parameters programmed into the system, or that fails to match safe patterns programmed into it. AI is also good at recognising passwords and disallowing password variants. It is now being used to make fingerprint pattern recognition, facial recognition, retina scans and the like. The core contribution of AI is the matching of data to the set of conditional if-then statements stored in the system.

The Role of Human Beings.

The appearance of intelligence in robots and automated bots is striking. However, the machine is functioning as machines must, very quickly streaming data that comes through its sensors or online access points through increasingly complex sieves of conditional if-then statements that tell it how to behave. The virtue of the machine is its ability to do this very fast. The interesting part is also the increasing ability of the machine to receive, store, and respond to inputs from different kinds of sources, numbers, letters, words, questions, sentences, images, faces, speech, measurements. When commentators write that machines are beginning to have capabilities greater than the human mind, they are referring to capabilities of storage, accurate retrieval, and speed.

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