22 Dec 2016
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) for 21st Century Manufacturers
A manufacturer must define details to business and line tasks to ensure production schedules are on-time. Since the turn of the 21st century, manufacturers have shifted to cloud-hosted enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions designed to optimise business management system (BMS) administration of production, logistics, and operations planning.
Cloud IaaS for the Manufacturing Industry
The demand for single integrated ERP solutions in the manufacturing industry has led to innovation of new cloud-based platform application as service (PaaS). Cloud-hosted PaaS providers offer subscribers infrastructure application as service (IaaS) to manufacturing companies interested in deploying ERP data across an entire value chain of divisions, and business partners.
Data driven ERP strategies promote the efficiency of production and logistics management processes, with continuous update of record and reporting. ERP Solutions software application as service (SaaS) software tools support managers in addressing mission critical issues, as well as forecast production goals and sales at any time in the process.
ERP solution data sharing at designated points in a BMS, provides supply chain divisions and partners with unified access to important order changes. With cloud-hosted IaaS, changes initiated by vendors, or affecting the scheduling of logistics partners, and distributors is processed on the spot.
Production Matrix SaaSAt the heart of manufacturing planning strategy is the matrix. Matrices setup to coordinate BMS functionality in an ERP solution, allow for input of production data about product dimensions (i.e. color, size, etc.).
ERP solutions offer the apparel manufacturing process, a range of SaaS tools to customize production operations. With SaaS tools, production matrix mapping is a streamline process. Manufacturers can eliminate wasted time and resources, as well as improve quality assurance each step of the way.
Cloud-hosted ERP solutions reduce the hassle of IT administration and update to the functional aspects of the production process. Access to SaaS database applications on IaaS, allow manufacturers to plan, execute, deliver product on direct order, seasonal demand, or inventory replenishment schedules.
With ERP solutions, controlling inventory levels at ‘zero’ loss levels is easy. Cloud distribution of data is synchronised, so that a manufacturing company's business divisions, vendors, and logistics partners, have knowledge of inventory demand and supply chain activities, without delay.
ERP Solution, BMS AssetWhen manufacturers ask, “how can business management software help our company?”, the answer is clear: ERP solutions enhance BMS effectiveness and efficiency.
Automated functionality is now essential to how manufacturers get the job done on time. In addition to production processes, with cloud-hosted ERP, the administrative functions of manufacturer BMS, are supported by those solutions, updated with new SaaS applications, and custom features.
From vendor ordering, to customer invoicing, sales rep and agent commission payments, and benchmark performance reporting, ERP solutions are BMS asset. Integration of ERP with BMS simplifies managerial costing of line processes, as well as materials, overhead, import duties, insurance, handling fees, and freight charges, so that budgets are on target every production run.
With folio1 solutions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 are quicksilver. Improve efficiency of BMS and save money on ERP, with best-of-breed commercial software integration.
folio1 is an independent software development company. Contact us for to find out about how to revolutionise your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365.