02 Oct 2016
Digital Transformation - The What, the Why and the How
In the always rapidly changing field of information technology, it is sometimes difficult to keep up with all the new buzzwords that define emerging concepts. Nevertheless, it is always prudent to stay abreast of the changes in order to incorporate the best concepts for continual growth and innovation in one's own business processes.
The What
Digital transformation is really a natural outcome of the fairly recent process, historically speaking, of developing technology to automate human tasks and manual processes. Whereas before, technology was considered as an adjunct tool to provide some type of support for a manual task, now through digital transformation, entire segments of society have been revolutionized in areas such as mass communication, medicine and even transportation.
The Why
There does seem as if there is something unique about the field of technology. Whether it attracts a certain kind of innovator or whether it is because the populace seems to like their gadgets, there is a constant push for innovation, increasing productivity and developing ways to work "smarter". Although at times there are downsides to technology, such as when hackers attack or there is a computer glitch in an airline system, for the most part, technology has made many positive advancements in business processes, medicine, science and many other areas.
The How
One of the best examples in how the digital transformation will most likely fundamentally change our society is in the area of self-driving vehicles. Although still in its infancy, it is clear that by literally removing humans from the driver's seat, the digital transformation of how we are transported from point A to point B will have a fundamental impact on the way humans live and work.
Overall, the outlook for digital transformation is very promising. As with anything, there will be bumps along the road, but overall technology has improved the lives of billions. There is every reason to expect that the digital transformation process will be a positive contributor in multiple ways.
For more information about harnessing the power of digital transformation to advance your business, please contact us.