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Deep Learning And The Myths Surrounding It


Deep learning is at the centre of artificial intelligence. During daily discussions, regardless of what the topic may be, there will always be myths and misconceptions that can cause a great amount of confusion. Today, we are going to discuss some of those myths and misconceptions, and the truths that you should know.

Myth 1: Deep Learning Is A New Thing

False. We understand why some people may think deep learning is something new. The first applications were developed on the foundation of deep learning over 60 years ago. Arthur Samuel was responsible for creating a program that had the capability to learn how to play the popular game known as checkers. However, this area of computer science was limited to different types of circles that were more specialised. Why? There was a certain amount of difficulty when it came to finding results. Deep learning does require a great amount of computer capacity in order to achieve the best results. This type of power has only been available to us for a short time, and this can explain the reason many people think deep learning is so recent.

Myth 2: Deep Learning Is Smarter Than A Human

We would not be surprised if this becomes the case years from now, but for now, this will be a myth. While deep learning certainly has the power to exceed what a human can do, this does not mean that deep learning will always be able to make smart or intelligent conclusions. When we discuss automated or automatic learning, this process allows for different patterns to be obtained. However, sometimes the patterns can be detected due to reasons that are not relevant. This is why it is still important for an actual human to intervene after any correlation has been detected. Human detection will become increasingly important in the medical profession, as well as others that are using deep learning.

Myth 3: Human Learning Can Be Compared To Deep Learning

While we can make comparisons to human learning and deep learning, this will still be another myth. We are not able to say that we sufficient information to know how the human brain works in comparison to an automated learning system. We can say that we know how efficient the human brain can be and that the efficiency is high when it comes to learning processes and procedures. As children, we were able to identify letters, numbers, colours, and animals after being told or having seen it one or more times. When are talking about machine learning, the system we are using would need to go over multiple images and numbers in order to fully identify what is being seen.

While deep learning is not something that is as recent as many people believe, it is certainly going to be a part of our future. Deep learning solutions will continue to be used by businesses in a variety of industries. We definitely expect to be one of the constant terms as it relates to technology now and in the future. How has deep learning impacted your industry and your business today? Do you see deep learning as part of your strategy moving forward? 

If you would like to learn more about deep learning and the steps you can take to ensure deep learning remains part of your strategy, please do not hesitate to contact us today for more information. 

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