19 Feb 2016
Current .NET Development Trends
Microsoft introduced the .NET framework for developers in the late 1990s, and since its introduction it has been used by developers to advance their coding capability. Microsoft releases updates to the .NET frame from time to time, and with each subsequent update the development capability is, for the most part, enhanced. So what are the current .NET development trends?
Recently, the team that develops .NET functionality released the ability to utilize portable class libraries in .NET. This allows for developers to build applications across a variety of platforms, while still using the same set of libraries. Developers now have the freedom and flexibility for developing for anything from laptops and desktops to tablets and smart phones, all using the same software license.
An add-on to the .NET framework that is making development much easier is the SignalR library. This library adds real-time features to ASP applications. ASP is the web application development framework, powered by .NET. Real-time web development in .NET allows for web apps to function in the single-page platform that the mobile web is moving to.
.NET is also moving in the direction of development for retail with the point of sale (POS) add-ons that have been released recently. This allows POS developers to incorporate .NET functionality into their applications.
Recent changes to .NET have not only added functionality, but have also made .NET more flexible in what it delivers to today''s developers. Folio1 knows about .NET and what it can offer your developers. If you would like to learn more about what .NET has to offer and what it will offer in the future, please contact us.